Cookbook cover for Broth and stock by Jennifer McGruthier

BROTH AND STOCK FROM THE NOURISHED KITCHEN: Wholesome Master Recipes for Bone, Vegetable, and Seafood Broths and Meals to Make with Them

Jennifer McGruther

Ten Speed Press
May 31, 2016
ISBN-13: 978-1607749318



Jennifer McGruther is a writer, national speaker and cooking instructor. Her website,, features traditional foods recipes and draws over 650,000 visitors each month, with a fast-growing subscriber base of more than 100,000 newsletter readers and RSS subscribers. She lives in Crested Butte, Colorado, where she and her husband manage an award-winning farmers’ market.

Nutrient-dense bone broths are having a major moment: from the $8 per cup servings at New York “broth bars” to Kobe Bryant crediting its restorative properties for his improved athletic performance, broths are in the news and being turned to for their health properties.

Jennifer McGruther is the perfect author to address this topic – a trusted authority on traditional foods who has been touting the value of broth since before it was trendy. The health benefits of broth are many: it is rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and other trace minerals, which are easily absorbed by the body when consumed in liquid form. Bone broth has been proven to help mitigate the effects of arthritis and joint pain since it contains glucosamine, gelatin, collage, and chondroitin. BROTH AND STOCK FROM THE NOURISHED TABLE features recipes for the broths themselves as well as soups, stews, and meat dishes that incorporate broths, and is the ideal guide for anyone interested in integrating these healthful concoctions into their daily lives.