The Cook’s Cook gets a new look and daily updates

From an article about  Kate Phann, corporate chef for international Thai restaurant chain Mango Tree. (Photo credit Jai Williams. Publilshed Aug/Sep 2016)
For immediate release

For more information, contact:
Denise Landis, Publisher and Editor in Chief
Office: 603-580-5938
Mobile: 603-303-5656
Media Kit

September 8, 2017 – After releasing six digital issues a year since its inception in 2014, international online magazine The Cook’s Cook has been reinvented as a newly designed website serving the global community. Culinary enthusiasts will now experience a more streamlined way to learn about the very best professional-level culinary skills.

The Cook’s Cook is a fantastic resource for everyone from home cooks to professional chefs. The editorial pieces are curated internationally as well and cover a variety of topics, such as recipe testing, food writing, cookbook publishing, photography, food styling, and more. The website will update daily, further solidifying The Cook’s Cookas one of the most comprehensive – and free – culinary resources today. Everything will be archived, providing a wide-ranging catalog to be used for reference. This continuous stream of content is a stark contrast to the previous online issues, which were designed to look like replica versions of magazines and released only every two months.

The Cook’s Cook was founded by Denise Landis, a former recipe tester and contributor to the New York Times for over 25 years.  Contributors to the publication are home cooks, professional chefs and food writers; scientists, agriculturists and foragers who write from all over the world. It has featured such chefs and personalities as Joyce Maynard, Jacques Pepin, Michael Bacon, New York Timesrestaurant critic Pete Wells, Molly Katzen, Alice Medrich, Virginia Willis, Matt and Ted Lee, Dorie Greenspan, Georgeanne Brennan, and Christine Burns Rudalevige.

Articles have been published from and about a variety of countries, such as Thailand, Africa, France, the Caribbean, Portugal, Switzerland, Dutch-Indonesia, Iceland, Greece, and more. Recipes are accessible to all, with each showcasing both metric weights and measures as well as Imperial units.

A Story of Chicken. (Photo credit Jerry Redfern. Published Oct/Nov 2014) 

What began as an international magazine has evolved into an international community.  The Cook’s Cook Community Forum is a public Facebook group in which readers are invited to submit photos and recipes. Its members number 70,000, growing at a rate of over 1,000 new followers a day. Through social media platforms alone, The Cook’s Cook reaches 1.5 million people, an audience that grows every day.  Check out The Cook’s Cook community on the public Facebook group, Facebook pageTwitterPinterest, and Instagram.

Denise is available for appearances and interviews, whether they be print, televised, live events, or radio. For more information please contact Denise Landis, 603-580-5938 (office), or 603-303-5656 (mobile).  You can subscribe to The Cook’s Cook here.

For information about contributing to The Cook’s Cook, see


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