Stephanie Weaver
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Stephanie Weaver, MPH, CWHC has had headaches for years, but didn’t know she was having migraine attacks until she was diagnosed with migraines and vertigo in 2014. As a researcher and recipe renovator, her natural inclination was to understand how some foods might be triggering her symptoms. She learned that aspects of her healthy plant-based diet might be contributing to her vertigo attacks and migraines. She also found that research and resources on the migraine diet were limited, confusing, and highly contradictory. Following interviews with physicians, researchers and her recipe testers, her migraine relief plan was born.
Food is fuel and finding the right mix can be a challenge. Stephanie should know. She has mastered eight diet changes for health reasons—low-fat, vegetarian, allergy-elimination, gluten-free, sugar-free, vegan, low-sodium, and now migraine-friendly
Teaching others how to transition into a new diet and eating out with those needs turned out to be just as important as developing the 8-week plan. Her book, based on the successful class she started in 2014, is titled The Migraine Relief Plan: An 8-Week Transition to Better Eating, Fewer Headaches, and Optimal Health. She currently follows a modified paleo diet that’s low-sodium and free of her personal migraine triggers, which has greatly reduced her symptoms, eliminating her daily headaches and vertigo attacks.
She’s been a food photographer and passionate blogger under the pen name Recipe Renovator since 2010. It’s now a haven for people following special diets for health reasons, with more than 325 recipes in a searchable index: gluten-free, sugar-free, vegan, and paleo. All are sustainably delicious.
She previously developed a cholesterol-lowering program for kids at Northwestern University Medical School, taught nutrition to disadvantaged youth, and held a long career as a museum technical writer and visitor experience consultant.
Weaver is excited to spread the word that the migraine lifestyle works, and to empower others to help themselves reduce their symptoms and need for medications through diet and lifestyle changes. She is a writer, speaker, and certified wellness and health coach based in San Diego, California.